The name of this astrology session is inspired by the seminal text by Roland Barthes, What does this entail?
We'll sit for an hour and a half with the planets of love which are Venus, the Moon, and Jupiter along with the various Lots of Love and find the Master of Romantic Harmony in your birth chart to have a deep convo about what you are into, where to look for romance and find some hot spots through timing. The second and longer part of the session is a space where we also talk synastry (compatibility) etc. You bring the charts of your exes, your crushes, and your partners and we will get into the complex medieval methods of synastry. It is MAINLY a hardcore synastry session so make sure you have complete birth details for any other charts. We can fit in three charts per session with your own. If you just want a focus on love without the synastry, I would go with a regular birth chart session and note the interest in the intake form. This session is great for anyone who wants to re-zhuzh their relationship to sex+pleasure+luv and get closer to figuring out what you even like/want. It's great for people who want to talk about how they relate to others. We will chat via email and custom-build this around your needs and desires. The testimonial below really puts into words what this session is about better than I can.
*This is not a workshop or class. It’s full on astrology. 

Here are some testimonials:
“Oscar's "lover's discourse" reading is such a breath of fresh air in the realm of synastry/astrology services. So often our focus is on how the planets affect us, and what they can do for us. Oscar's use of medieval islamicate synastry to see how we affect others, and how they might affect us, is incredibly illuminating and encourages thoughtful connection. They wield these synastry techniques deftly and precisely to deliver a reading that feels so incredibly fun. The reading has also given me so many nuggets of wisdom: what kind of placements might make for a more meaningful partnership, how I might unknowingly come across to partners, and moments of time to use to my advantage. Highly, highly recommend to anyone wanting to understand why certain relationships were the way that they were, and to better understand our impact within romantic relationships.”
-Rafin S. 

“As an astrologer, Óscar is a master at weaving technical expertise with insightful storytelling and their Lover's Discourse reading is no exception. We talked about qualities I could look for in a committed partnership, what could bring more romance into my life, and an incredibly detailed timing forecast as well! Óscar's approach to astrology is so holistic; every time they make a statement about something, they back it up by demonstrating at least three different techniques they've used to reflect that conclusion. From rooting these techniques to my natal chart, solar returns, firdaria periods and more, this reading felt incredibly grounded because it considered love within the overall context of my life - not just as a standalone thing. Also, it was also really cool to see all these newly revived medieval Islamicate astro techniques in action (hello Master of Romantic Harmony!). 100% recommended and I can't wait for more people to discover more about their love lives with Óscar's guidance.You're in for a treat “-Grace L.

“Oscar’s lover’s discourse session was such a pleasure to book and meet over! He takes the nativity of a romantic partner and diligently lays out the recently revived medieval synastry technique, in a way that is clear and easy to reference later on and goes through each piece in depth to assess the various aspects of compatibility. I appreciate that his office sessions are always judgement free, open and honest like he wont hesitate to get real and I love that genuine interaction coming from a diviner. I really enjoyed how he helped the material click in my head, and appreciate how willing he is to answer technical questions during the reading. one of the coolest pieces to my reading was getting an idea of how to quickly skim the calculations in order to get a general vibe of a situation— I’ll say it was clear which relationships reflected longevity/mutual commitment and which ones didnt, after he broke it down! definitely book with Oscar if you want a thorough look into your love life.“-Paloma V.

“Óscar is a brilliant astrology and storyteller —  I knew this going into the reading, and it still exceeded my expectations. Óscar's calculations and insights provided tools to help me navigate my current relationship. We also looked at my past relationships — an exercise which gave me a deeper understanding of my own strengths, challenges and blindspots. Overall, this was one of my favorite readings.”
-Vivi H. 
"Óscar is such a legend in the making!! They're not only a sponge for information, but a filter - they can discern from the noise of astrological theory and opinions how to actually apply techniques that remain relevant to right now. Their intuition is so clearly fueled by a deeply empathetic attentiveness, and a patient humility before new information.

The lovers discourse reading was a game changer for me. I'm someone who loves to dissect the emotional gore of romantic and sexual relationships, and I was so delighted to have a fertile and inviting space for this impulse. I literally dumped so much information on Óscar in the intake process, and by the time of the reading, they had methodically organized each relation and helped me tease out and recognize the nature of each relation in a way that not only clarified my experiences for myself, but also helped me feel more assured in who I am in relationship.

So many unprocessed feelings about each relationship were given new and otherwise obscure-to-me locations in our respective charts, and in helping me access this advanced synastry language using newly translated techniques, Óscar has also helped me to let the relationship carcasses rest on the shelf (finally!) where they can be accessed as stories to revisit instead of open conundrums.

Óscar's skill goes far beyond the common intuition-first approach to consultation, and leans on a highly technical rendering of medieval techniques and I feel so stunned and lucky just to learn from them by witnessing how they dissected my chart and 4 others in the span of 90 minutes! Seriously and truly, I don't know another astrologer doing work like this. I would consider it very foolish to have the opportunity to book a chart reading with Óscar and pass it up.”-ọlabimpe

"I’ve revisited my lover’s discourse recording with Oscar a handful of times since my reading and I feel like I learn something new about the practice of romantic synastry each and every time. Oscar was able to break down the dynamics between myself and my partner in ways that not only provided key context to how we connect, but also shed new light on how I understand synastry as a whole. Using Oscar’s methodology as my guide my understanding of synastry has been cracked wide open, and I’ve since been assessing synastry dynamics within my own astrological practices through a more refined and polished lens. Book Oscar’s lovers discourse session if you seek to pinpoint the ways in which you connect with your partner, further understand the context of your past relationships in new eye-opening ways, or simply learn more about the ways in which our charts interact and connect with the people in our lives."-Audrey C.